Day 1

Welcome and introduction  08.45-09.00

Pre First World War (Chair Dr. Michael Auwers, CegeSoma and University of Antwerp, Belgium)

1.     Professor Maartje Abbenhuis (Professor in History, Director of the Europe Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand) – ‘Mobilising neutrality to protect the world: Campaigning for neutrality in the international arena before and during the First World War’ 09:00-09:30

2.     Dr Mario Draper (Lecturer in Modern British and European History, University of Kent, UK) – ‘‘A Scrap of Paper’: Belgian Neutrality, Europe and the Prospect of war, 1870-1914’ 09:30-10.00

Break (10.00-10.15)

KEYNOTE Professor Jo Fox, Dean of the University of London’s School of Advanced Study (SAS) and Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Public Engagement with the University of London 10.15-11.00

Break (11.00-11.30)

First World War and the United States of America (Chair Professor Mark Connelly, Headof School and Professor of Modern British History, University of Kent, UK)

3.     Dr Richard Dunley (Military and Diplomatic Historian, University of New South Wales, Australia) – ‘Combating the Spectre of Navalism: propaganda, public opinion and maritime rights in the Anglo-American relationship 1914-5’ 11.30-12.00

4.     Professor Stephen Badsey (Professor of Conflict Studies, University of Wolverhampton, UK) – ‘American neutrality and belligerent propaganda 1914-17’ 12.00-12.30

5.     Dr Vincent Trott (Lecturer in History, Open University, UK) – ‘Humour, propaganda and neutrality: American Cartoons and the First World War 1914-1917’ 12.30-13.00

Lunch break (13.00-14.00)

First World War and Alternative Battlegrounds (Chair Dr. Stefan Goebel, Reader andDirector of the Centre for the History of War, Media and Society, University of Kent, UK)

6.     Dr María Inés Tato (Researcher at CONICET, University of Buenos Aires, Professor of History, University of Buenos Aires, and Master in War History, National Defense University (UNDEF), Argentina) – ‘Allied and German propaganda in Argentina during the First World War’ 14.00-14.30

7.     Dr Georgios (Yorgos) Giannakopoulos (Academy of Athens Postdoctoral Fellow, Greece and Visiting Fellow, Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, London, UK) and Dr Zinovia (Jenny) Lialiouti (Assistant Professor in Modern and Contemporary European History, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) – ‘Killing neutrality: the propaganda battle and the Greek “National Schism” (1915-1918)’ 14.30-15.00

8.     Dr Florian Grafl (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Munich, Germany) - ‘Barcelona as an Alternative Battleground in the First World War’ 15.00-15.30

9.     Miguel Brandão (PhD Student, University of Porto, Portugal) – ‘Anglo-Portuguese Diplomacy and the Pro-Allied Propaganda during the Great War – The Portuguese “neutrality” (1914-1916)’ 15.30-16.00
Break (16.00-16.30)

Second World War – Ireland, Switzerland and Vichy France  (Chair Professor Nicholas J.Cull, Centre on Public Diplomacy (CPD), Faculty Fellow & Professor. University of SouthernCalifornia, USA)

10. Lior Tibet (PhD Student, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) – ‘Censorship and Soft Power in Neutral Ireland 1933-1945: the case study of the German cinema’ 16.30-17.00

11. Professor Karen Garner (Professor of Historical Studies, SUNY Empire State College, USA) – ‘Propaganda and Censorship in Neutral Eire during ‘the Emergency’: the influence of the Allies and personalities of Churchill, Roosevelt and de Valera’ 17.00-17.30

12. Dr Guy Woodward (Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Durham, UK) – ‘An Irregular Intellectual: Elizabeth Wiskemann in Berne, 1940-45’ 17.30-18.00

13. Dr Richard Carswell (Independent Scholar, UK) – ‘The role of propaganda in the case of ‘neutral’ Vichy France 1940-1944’ 18.00-18.30

Close: 18:30-18:45


Day 2

Welcome and introduction 08.45-09.00

Second World War and Turkey (Chair Professor Gaynor Johnson, Professor of International History, University of Kent, UK)

1.     Professor Yasemin Doğaner (Professor of History at Hacettepe University) and Dr Yasemin Türkkan Tunalı (Assistant Researcher, Hacettepe University, Turkey) – ‘Turkey’s Neutrality in the Shadow of Nazi Propaganda’ 09.00-09.30

2.     Dr Edward Corse (Honorary Research Fellow, University of Kent, UK) – ‘Pursuing a Reluctant Ally: the story of Britain’s propaganda campaign in neutral Turkey during the Second World War’ 09.30-10.00

Break (10.00-10.30)

Second World War and Iberian connections (Chair Dr. Mark Lawrence, Lecturer andDirector of Internationalisation University of Kent, UK)

3.     Simone Muraca (PhD Student, University of Padua, Italy) – ‘Beyond Neutrality: successes and failures of Italian cultural propaganda in Portugal during Second World War (1939-1945) 10.30-11.00

4.     Dr Marta García Cabrera (Historical researcher, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain) - 'Great Britain's contingency plans in Spain during World War Two: British propaganda as an instrument of military operations' 11.00-11.30
5.     Veronica Barry (PhD Student, Maynooth University, Ireland) – ‘An examination of Nazi propaganda directed at women of the neutral states, 1933-45: a case study of Ireland and Spain’ 11.30-12.00

Lunch Break (12.00-13.30)

Second World War – Looking beyond Europe (Chair Professor Gaynor Johnson,Professor of International History, University of Kent, UK)

6.     Dr Helena F.S. Lopes (Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, University of Bristol, UK) – ‘Invasion rumours, new newspapers, a kidnapped ship, and other propaganda tales of neutral Macau, 1937-1945’ 13.30-14.00

7.     Dr João Arthur Ciciliato Franzolin (Postdoctorate Research Assistant, University Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho, UNESP, Brazil) – ‘Signal, Em Guarda, Victory and the transnational struggle of the Axis and the Allies to influence readers in neutral and occupied countries during World War II’ 14.00-14.30

Break (14.30-15.00)

The Cold War (Chair Professor Ulf Schmidt, Professor of Modern History, University ofHamburg, Germany)

8.     Dr Emil Stjernholm (Assistant Professor in Media and Communication Studies, Lund University, Sweden) – ‘DEFA Films on Swedish Television: Mapping the Reception of East German narratives’ 15.00-15.30
9.     Dr Cyril Cordoba (Visiting Scholar, Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut- Freie Universität, Berlin) – ‘“Swiss counter-intelligence is as full of holes as its cheese” – neutrality and Maoist propaganda in 1960s Switzerland’ 15.30-16.00

10. Dr P. Mike Rattanasengchanh (Assistant Professor of Asian and US History at Midwestern State University, USA) – ‘Laos and neutrality: unsung heroes in a tragic effort for neutrality’ 16.00-16.30

Break (16.30-17.00)

Late Twentieth Century cross-continental interactions (Chair Dr. Philip Boobbyer,Reader and Director of Postgraduate Admissions, University of Kent, UK)

11. Dr Hillary Briffa (Lecturer in Defence Studies, King’s College, London, UK) – ‘Malta: the Mediterranean Interlocutor’ 17.00-17.30
12. Steve Westlake (PhD Student, University of Bristol, UK) – ‘Unwrapping ‘Britain’s Greatest Gift to the World in the Twentieth Century’: Neutrality, NGOs and the BBC World Service, 1989-1999’ 17.30-18.00

13. Professor Nicholas J. Cull (Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, University of Southern California, USA) – ‘Anti-Apartheid propaganda and the counter-neutrality paradigm: the US and UK cases compared’ 18.00-18.30

Close: 18:30-18:45



The ‘Propaganda and Neutrality’ conference plans to explore
issues around the role of propaganda in neutral states.

The conference CFP was opened to academics and postgraduate students who are studying the role of propaganda in neutral states. Topics covered are likely to be around activities in neutral and nonbelligerent states during times of military conflict – notably the First and Second World Wars such as Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Sweden and Turkey. However, the conference encouraged papers about all aspects of propaganda and neutrality from any time period, primarily from around 1750 onwards, including, but not limited to, the Cold War and policies of non-alignment. Also of interest are studies of propaganda relating to states that have had a longer-term policy of neutrality that have endured both in times of war and peace, and which the policy is core to their identity, such as that of Switzerland, the Republic of Ireland and Costa Rica. The conference aims to have a good diversity of speakers and subjects.

THE TOPICS included in the CFP WERE:

Relation between propaganda and neutrality

Foreign propaganda policies in neutral nations (machinery, channels, objectives, repercussions,

Propaganda as instrument for incentive / prevention of belligerence

Response of the neutral nations to international propaganda

Projection and self-representation of a neutral nation

Propaganda and the justification of neutrality

Psychological warfare in neutral countries (black propaganda, rumours, propaganda for subversion, resistance or occupation)

Propaganda and espionage as a weapon of war in non belligerent nations

Channels to control neutral public opinion
(radio, cinema, press, publications, rumours, etc.)·

Cultural propaganda and neutrality

Public diplomacy and neutrality

National debate and foreign propaganda

Propaganda and censorship in neutral nations